We believe in the power of plant medicines to create social and personal change when worked within an intentional or ceremonial context. We offer coaching sessions and retreats, supporting individuals through every phase of their psychedelic journey, from preparation to integration.

A Time of Reflection - Listening to the Plants: A Manifesto

In this heartful free ebook, Roan Kaufman writes about the importance of consulting with the plants on the appropriateness of synthesizing their components for use in psychedelic assisted therapy. This ebook offers wisdom from the plants and a new way of viewing our relationship to the natural world. 

Psychedelic Medicine Integration Workbook

This beautiful 380 page full-sized book covers topics ranging from preparing for your experience, to aftercare, and integrating your experience days and months later. Between the covers you'll find:

  • Discussion of the ceremonial and intentional use of psychedelics for healing purposes
  • Dozens of carefully designed self-paced exercises
  • Journaling prompts
  • Over 100 pages of space to write your own reflections

Whether you are new to or very experienced with psychedelics or serving as a guide to others on a healing journey, this book is sure to inform and enhance your integration.

Ayahuasca Cards: The Integration Deck

These cards outline and highlight specific lessons from the path of working with ayahuasca and other plant medicines. They can be used to assist with understanding psychedelic experiences. The card deck features 47 distinct lesson card with suggestions for concrete daily integration tools.

The integration lessons in the Ayahuasca Cards are about:

  • self-reflection
  • responsibility for walking one’s talk
  • having authenticity and acting with integrity in one’s actions
  • speech, and relationships

Visionary card art by Kori Thomas.

This is truly a beautiful, thoughtful, heart-centered deck. A timely and much-needed gift, so very useful and practical when home alone, before and after ceremony.

Robert J. Barnhart

Board of Directors, Heffter Research Institute and The Multi-Disciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

Roan Kaufman's Ayahuasca Tarot Deck is an innovative and strikingly beautiful set of cards. I can see them as being useful for people attempting to integrate their ayahuasca experience into their daily lives. But they can also bring enjoyment and meaning into the lives of people who have never heard of ayahusaca. 

Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.

Faculty, Saybrook Institute

AYAGOGY: Ayahuasca as a social change agent and learning model

While juxtaposing Indigenous values and social systems with Western hegemonic society, Ayagogy builds a framework for curing society’s cultural ills with antidotes derived from the experiences of ayahuasca ceremony participants.

Ayaygogy, endorsed by Graham Hancock, includes interviews with world-respected researchers and spiritual leaders, including:

  • psychopharmacologist Rick Strassman
  • African spiritual emissary Sobonfu Somé
  • Amazonian Shaman Conference founder Alan Shoemaker
  • Indigenous tribal studies expert and social welfare scholar Michael Yellowbird
  • Rak Razam, the experiential journalist who directed the documentary Aya Awakenings


Ayahuasca and Madness

Ayahuasca and Madness

Sometimes it feels as if we are literally going mad—going crazy, losing all sense of “self” as we know it. Yet sometimes we really do need to come apart before we can come back together again. While there is a context for madness within art—an acceptance that losing...

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Roan and Martha have been an integral part of my transformation. Their patience and integrity for what they do is genuine.


<p style="color: #bbad89;">Artwork by Ash Tom Zurowski</p>


Roan is a brilliant, gentle guide through personal transformation. He not only knows his craft, he exemplifies personal transformation.The experiences that I’ve had under Roan’s guidance have been deeply healing and personal in a unique way.
Amy Chaffee

Lecturer, UCLA, Department of Theatre, Film, and Television

Roan is a gifted shamanic healer. I have known him for many years and know him to be a powerful leader in transformational learning. I highly recommend Roan Kaufman!
Molly Surowitz

Managing Broker, Baird & Warner La Grange

Martha is truly making a difference for me during this work transition. Her partnership role is exactly what I needed to assist in creating a life path for myself that will totally light me up. She is so generous with her time and support through my job search challenges. I highly recommend her services to anyone looking to create an amazing work/life path for themselves.

Madison, WI

Martha’s personal coaching provided me with the necessary tools to follow my passion and restore balance to my life.

Las Vegas, NV

<span style="color: #bbad89;">Artwork by Ash Tom Zurowski</span>